Leaks suggest when the full new expansion pack for The Sims 4 – My Wedding Stories is coming out

The Sims 4

A leaker who has rarely been wrong so far announced the date and name of a new full expansion pack for TS4.

It’s very common for famous leakers or players to reveal leaks about The Sims 4 and its news. Until now, however, it was quite rare for someone to buy a full expansion pack. Usually, such cases were about smaller accessories, gameplay packs, or collections, as was the case recently.

Let us remind you that in January one of the Italian leakers – ALumia Italia – revealed the Carnaval Streetwear prematurely. It is the latest collection for TS4 and had its premiere exactly yesterday.

The leak of a new expansion pack for The Sims 4

Now it turns out that the same leaker most likely revealed the name of the next full expansion pack for the game along with its release date. The Italian source reported this on his Twitter.

As can be seen in the entry, the author predicts that the newest full expansion pack for The Sims 4 is to be called My Wedding Stories, and it is scheduled to premiere on February 17, i.e. in just two weeks.

Unlike previously, the leaker did not provide any screenshots or concept art this time. Following a comment from one of the players who asked for some evidence to be attached, ALumia Italia responded like this:

It seems the leaker doesn’t want to reveal any art yet, but it may happen in the next few days.

It is worth mentioning that all of the above information is only speculation and nothing has been officially confirmed yet. However, looking at the fact that the latest Roadmap of The Sims team explicitly emphasizes that the new addition to the game is to be related to weddings, the leaker may be right once again. We will probably find out over the next few days.

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