A secret food stall feature in The Sims 4 that no one knew about

The Sims 4 players discover new things in the game every day. This is another one of them.
Although The Sims 4 is not as extensive in terms of plot and mechanics as the previous parts of this series, the game can still surprise after many years. It was usually said that The Sims 2 is the queen of secrets and curiosities, but it must be admitted that the Four also has something in it.
One of the players who shared his new collectible in TS4 on Reddit learned about it. It turned out that the food stalls had one little hidden function.
TS4 can also surprise sometimes
Reddit user sunrae47 posted a short video yesterday showing what he found after years of playing The Sims 4. As you know, food stalls have entered the game with the City Living expansion and a new world – San Myshuno. This is where we can most often buy dishes from around the world, mainly when it comes to Asian cuisine.
Everyone knew about it so far. But hardly anyone expected that stools could add stools to a stall. This is what the author of the Reddit post discovered.
How did it take me this long to realize you could do this on the food stalls??????

In fact, it turns out that hardly anyone knew about it. When browsing the comments under the Redditor’s post, you can hardly see a single person who would not be shocked after watching this video.
Comments can really make you laugh, but they perfectly show that The Sims 4 also has undiscovered curiosities and secrets. As it turns out, the players of Four also learn something new every day.