This player “lives in a PokeBall”. A fun look of the map in Pokemon GO that caught the attention of the community

One of the Pokemon trainers boasted on the internet that the area he lives in looks like a PokeBall.
Pokemon GO players often show the rest of the community their unusual finds or funny situations from the game itself. Sometimes, someone will encounter a really strange PokeStop, witness a funny bug or notice a Gym with unusual opponents (see: The Pokemon GO player came across cute and defenseless opponents on one of the Gyms. “I can’t fight them”).
Situations can be different and it’s really hard to predict what will come next. One of the players shared with the fans of the title that the area he lives in looks like a Pokeball. What is it all about?
A map that shows a Pokeball
There was an entry on Pokemon GO on Reddit that quickly became incredibly popular. Currently, it has over 13,000 positive reactions and almost 500 comments. The post received so much attention that it became one of the most popular of the week. Why did the players like it so much?
Its author – Rasputeen – wrote in the title that he lives in a Pokeball. This type of text sounds like a silly joke, but a screen from the game shows that there is some truth to it. It turns out that the streets in which the author of the post lives, are arranged in such a way that they resemble PokeBall.
The player added that he believes that there should be a PokeStop in the middle of the square, unfortunately, the applications are still rejected.
I live in a pokeball, and I think I deserve a poke stop in the middle of that. But all my gf’s requests are rejected, there’s only a big tree there.
As you know, the place for the future Pokestop must present something special – a monument, a historic building, interesting graffiti. Players cannot submit random houses, private places, or random trees to the developers.
Some commenters have suggested that the player can personally create something that might interest Niantic employees and convince them that the area he lives in should have its own PokeStop. An example may be a small, though aesthetic graffiti, decorative and ingenious bird feeder (hung on the mentioned tree) or other such small changes in the environment.