
Pokemon GO is becoming increasingly boring? This is how one player summed it up

Has the game from Niantic lost what was most important about it? Why do some people think it has no soul in it?

Although it’s probably hard for some to believe, Pokemon GO will turn 7 years old this year. Some players surely remember very well the very beginnings of the game, when there was an incredible buzz about it all over the world. It’s even fair to say that fans went crazy for the pocket creatures they could catch while walking around the neighborhood.

The title has changed heavily over the years, which is only natural. The developers expanded various mechanics and added new species, cosmetic items, events, and more. Just did all these changes work out for the app? What does the community think about it?

Is Pokemon GO boring players?

A post appeared on the Reddit page of Pokemon GO, which summarized the experience of a player who has been in contact with the game since its beginnings, i.e. its launch in July 2016.

Does anyone else feel like Pokemon GO has gotten really boring? I’ve played Pokemon Go since 2016, when I was in the military. I took it around the world, and used it to find cool landmarks in other countries and to help me explore places I’ve never been to. But lately, it doesn’t seem like there’s a reason to play.

I take long bike rides with friends in National parks, which I feel should be ripe with Pokemon, but the parks are almost devoid of them. Not only can I not hatch any Pokemon from the ride because of the speed limits, but there’s no benefits for exploring new places either. I can catch 5-10x the amount of Pokemon at the mall than at the parks.

There’s no reason to go hiking with Pokemon Go, because it will yield you the same Pokemon as walking around the park or a strip mall. You can’t naturally find legendary Pokemon in the wild, except in rare events. There’s no real benefits I can find to go exploring, even though that seems to be at the core of what Pokemon is about, and there’s almost no permanent benefits for playing for hundreds of hours.

It just feels like there is no soul to the game anymore. I’ve gotten up to level 40, but I don’t know if I care to keep going. I’m curious if anyone else has been feeling that?

It turns out that quite a few people fully support the above statement. In the comments, you can read words like “this 100% reflects my thoughts” and the like.

When reading the opinions of the community, one gets the impression that these are soaked in regret, as many people really love the Pokemon series and do not want to give up the game, but unfortunately, they no longer feel as much pleasure from the title from Niantic as they once did.

It’s worth noting that the negative comments have been influenced by a number of recent developments, including, among others, considerable drama over changes to Remote Raid Passes, problems with numerous bugs, complaints from fans in smaller towns and villages or people with disabilities, according to whom the game is becoming less and less accessible.

However, the biggest fans of the title are not giving up and are constantly thinking about what can be done to make the game interesting again.

The community has its own vision for events and regularly suggests interesting solutions that could make the game enjoyable and engaging.