Lost Ark players using a bug to farm gold. Mass duplication of Founder’s Packs

A serious bug in Lost Ark that gave a huge advantage.
Lost Ark is a new game that has been a huge success on Steam with over 500,000 players playing at one point, and has yet to be made available to everyone. Although there are relatively few bugs in the game, and the players will push the story forward, the developers have already had their first slip-up.
It turns out that for over 10 hours the community was able to farm Platinum Founder Packs and Twitch Drops and then sell them on the market.
Duplicated packs
Virtually everyone is talking about Lost Ark these days. The game, like New World before, won the hearts of players and gained many positive reviews. It turns out, however, that now black clouds hang over the developers. One of the worst bugs for this type of game has appeared.
Namely, Lost Ark is a Pay2Progress game and nobody needs to be told how illegally obtained packages containing exclusive items, including those that can be sold to other players, destroy not only the economy but snowball those who used them. What did it look like? MercuryZx_ used this unknowingly during his live stream:

On the official forum of the game, people quickly posted masses of posts that players receive crates for all characters, and more than once. As evidence, even screenshots are shown where there is a little more paid content on the account than they should have received.
One of the Support employees reacted quickly and informed the developers about the situation after a few questions. The bug was fixed after approximately 10 hours, and some may have gained a lot more gold than they should have.
Players demand that the developers take all items obtained illegally and that those who intentionally exploit the bug are blocked. At the moment, it is not known what decision AGS will make.