
Why do players think Infinity Edge is virtually useless after the changes?

One of the iconic items for ADC is currently falling into oblivion.

The Infinity Edge is one of the most recognizable items for ADC, which could not do without changes that were to affect virtually the entire class of shooters. The item was moved from the legendary category to the mythical, which in theory raised its rank.

According to the community, however, virtually every mythical item for ADC is stronger than the Infinity Blade. How does the new IE actually compare to other items?

Mythic Infinity Edge

The updated stats of the Infinity Blade are very similar to the old ones, but now the item has a mythic passive ability that provides 5 AD to all other legendary items. One fan pointed out that even heroes for whom the item in question was practically mandatory currently prefer to buy Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Galeforece or Guinsoo’s Rageblade.

Just 70 ad , 20% crit , 35% crit damage, and 5 ad only per mythic. It’s not fun at all and unsatisfying given that it’s supposed to be the ADC iconic item.

I’m sure that some will say that it’s designed to be like this, and it fits adc playstyle of being damage machines. Well theoretically that can work, but realistically the item is not even worth a mythic slot, not even crit adcs are buying it, not even Yasuo and Yone who have double crit chance.

Apart from Tristana you can look into every single adc and see their highest winrate builds with a considerable pick rate, none of them has IE as the best mythic

Given that the Infinity Blade is an item for heroes who rely on critical hits, according to players, its mythic passive ability should provide a higher chance of critical hits or further improve the damage of these blows. Riot tested this option, but it appears that it was eventually abandoned.

Fans have also suggested an activated ability, such as Galeforce’s, which could increase damage or movement speed for a short time after activation. What is certain at this point is that few choose to purchase the refreshed Infinity Edge and the item is not in demand as it was before its patches.