
When is the end of the 1 ranking split 2023 in League of Legends? The start date of the 2nd split

LoL developers remind us of the end of the current ranking split. How many days are left?

The vacations are fast approaching, and with them the end of the first split of the 2023 season in League of Legends. Quite a few people have not yet gotten the coveted rank, so they are taking advantage of the final weeks to do so.

It is worth recalling when exactly the current split ends and what is the start date of the next one. Everything will happen in the second half of July. And here is the specific information.

The end date of the current split and the start of the next one

Riot Auberaun, the main producer of the game series, informed the League of Legends community about extensive changes in the ranking queue, and also about who will get the Victorious skin.

Probably here a lot of fans are asking themselves – until when can the division be gotten and when does the first ranking split actually end?

The first ranking split will end on July 17 according to server time. Ranked games will be playable again from July 19.

This means that the next split will begin in less than 40 days. This is the last moment to improve your results and climb the ranking ladder.

It is worth recalling that it is already known who will get the next Victorious skin. Unfortunately, the players’ predictions and theories turned out to be wrong. The skin will not go to Zed, or even to any male champion.

The Victorious skin of the first split of the 2023 season will be Victorious Anivia. This is what the splash art of the heroine looks like:

For more on specific changes to the ranked queue, Riot’s plans to improve the player experience, the removal of the series of promotion games and more, read a separate article on the subject: Riot has revealed the first Victorious skin for LoL this year and a new rank. When is the end of the first split and who will get it?