
This LoL character has surpassed Yone and Yasuo in the rate of being AFK. And it’s hard to believe

One of the League of Legends heroes has topped the well-known two brothers in going AFK ranking.

Siblings Yone and Yasuo are a living meme in the LoL community. It is often joked that fans of these champions are toxic, have level 7 mastery, but can’t play, feed, argue in chat, and then go AFK.

There’s a lot of truth in this kind of joke because according to statistics, Yasuo and Yone players actually go AFK much more often than fans of the game’s other heroes. The two brothers have long reigned supreme in rankings of this type, but recently other champions have taken the top spot.

Who goes AFK most often?

According to statistics on, it turns out that the character whose players are most often AFK is Sett. The character scored as high as 1.98% on this list, which put him in first place of the table. Right behind him is the aforementioned Yasuo (1.95%) and his brother, Yone (1.84%).

This is the list of the 10 champions whose players are most often “away from keyboard”.

The stats cover all League of Legends servers.

Sett, who appeared on Summoner’s Rift on January 14, 2020, quickly won really many fans. This happened because players liked his aggressive style of play, but also his very design, personality, and numerous references to anime.

The character quickly gained various skins, including a prestige edition back in the same year as his release. All this made many people interested in him and very keen to play him well. Unfortunately, as you can see, some of them can’t handle the pressure during matches and decide to go AFK when a teamfight or 1-on-1 exchange doesn’t go their way.