This character wreaks havoc after patch 12.13. The hero is OP especially in the divisions below the diamond

League of Legends

The hero wins more matches than he should.

Wuju Swordsman is one of those heroes in League of Legends that doesn’t require too much skill. For this reason, players choosing it may focus mainly on macro rather than having to embrace all 4 skills.

He is also strong if you give him a little gold early in the game or let him farm the jungle calmly. Now it turns out that from bronze to platinum, he wins more matches than any other hero.

Master Yi is unstoppable

A not too complicated champion and very strong, but prone to CC, is currently wreaking havoc in League of Legends. This is clearly seen in the charts showing his win rate. Currently, it fluctuates around 56% in ranks below the diamond.

His statistics for the following divisions:

  • Iron
    • 54.92%
  • Bronze
    • 56.49%
  • Silver
    • 57.02%
  • Gold
    • 56.80%
  • Platinum
    • 55.85%
  • Diamond
    • 52.22%
  • Master
    • 52.63% (57 games)
  • Grand Master
    • 55.56% (18 games)
  • Challenger
    • 33.33% (3 games)

As you can see, the best Win Rate is in the low divisions below the diamond. However, practically nobody plays him in high elo. Currently, he is considered a really good choice, and the players do not quite like it. If he gets fed or gets some gold, then with a little help from the team, the hero is able to win the game on his own.

Note that these are only the stats from patch 12.13. The one on the servers is on July 13th and introduced some changes to Master Yi. He has received buffs and skill fixes.

The community says buffing his attack range is one of the dumbest ideas from creators. Combining this with the new W and Q gives Master an edge over the other heroes. It is not known when Riot will release the hotfix, but at the moment it is not expected.

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