The latest LoL update brought two characters back to the meta. The biggest increases

League of Legends

League of Legends bot lane changes made the return of two characters who weren’t doing their best lately.

A week ago, a side update called 12.5b was released on the official League of Legends servers. Several characters have been weakened in it, including the two shooters – Jinx, and Zeri.

Draven, Lucian, Ashe, and Varus were buffed on the bot lane. This made some minor changes to the meta and the game should become a bit more diverse. After the competition got nerfed, Samira also returned.

Return of Ashe and Samira

For the past few weeks, two heroines have dominated the role of the shooter. Fast as wind Zeri and unyielding thanks to her passive Jinx. Now in Update 12.5b these have been nerfed a bit and some other ADCs have been buffered. It was thanks to the buffs and getting rid of the competition that Ashe and Samira came back to the meta. Lucian is also making up for the losses.

Desert Rose’s win rate has jumped a few percent and has now stabilized at 50.5%.

Samira’s WinRate

As for Ashe, it’s a bit better. Although she did not start from such a low level as her predecessor, she currently wins much more matches.


Ashe’s WinRate

Lucian also made up for small losses. Currently, his team is reaching for victory not in 48% of cases, but in almost 52%.

How are the nerfed Jinx and Zeri doing? The Loose Cannon’s WinRate is down about a percent, and Spark of Zaun will likely need a buff. At least that’s what some players say, seeing her currently WR.

Zeri’s WinRate

Perhaps in the future, or after treatment nerfs, this will stabilize. At the moment she is not as strong as she was a few weeks ago.

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