Such a team will catch you for 30 seconds, during which you will not be able to move. The bane of every LoL player

League of Legends

Riot, but also other game developers, have had a problem with CC, i.e. crowd control effects, for years. LoL players show the worst-case scenario.

CC has always been the subject of extensive discussions. Virtually every LoL player mumbled a few bad words at least once because he could not move for a few seconds. Now one of the Reddit users has shown how in a normal match you can be immobilized for nearly 30 seconds.

To make it even more fun, no items or… special skills count here. So if someone wanted to, he could literally torment one person endlessly.

If everyone focused on one player

In theory, this is doable in a match, in practice, it is unlikely that a situation where suddenly 5 people focus on one opponent and everyone else is just staring will happen. However, it is possible to immobilize someone for exactly 29 seconds without any items or ults. How?

To do this, create a “skill chain” that looks like this:

Morg Q – Xerath E – Ivern Q – Leona Q – Lux Q – Morg Q – Leona Q – Xerath E – Ivern Q – Leona Q – Lux Q – Morg Q – Xerath E – Ivern Q – Leona Q

CC duration:

3 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 10 – 13 – 14 – 16 – 18 – 19 – 21 – 24 – 26 – 28 – 29


(Morg Q),(Xerath E),(Ivern Q),(Leona Q),(Lux Q): 7,0,0,0,0 – 5,9,0,0,0 – 3,7,8,0,0 – 2,6,7,4,0 – 0,4,5,2,9 – 7,1,2,0,6 – 6,0,1,4,5 – 4,9,0,2,3 – 2,7,8,0,1 – 1,5,6,4,0 – 0,3,4,2,9 – 7,0,1,0,6 – 5,9,0,0,4 – 3,7,8,0,2 – 2,6,7,4,1

A user with the nickname “SkyfatherTwitch” is so sure that it is the longest possible stun that he challenges everyone to a duel in order to find an even better one. The first person to come up with something even more annoying will get $ 5 for RP from him.

Simple assumptions – no items, no ability to use ults, and skills that move the opponent (like Zac’s “Q”).

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