Riot wasted a great opportunity on new skins? Players are surprised that the creators of LoL did not come up with this idea

The community says the developers missed the opportunity to add a few Lunar New Year skins.
As you know, there is currently an event in League of Legends inspired by the Chinese New Year, which in 2022 is related to the tiger. Lunar Revel is an event that appears in the game every year, and with it, many themed skins from the Firecracker and Lunar series are added to the store.
So far, a lot of skins with this theme have been released. Lunar Wraith Caitlyn, Lunar Empress Lux, Firecracker Vayne, Lunar Guardian Warwick, and Firecracker Jinx are just a few examples of distinctive cosmetic accessories that are commonly liked by LoL players.
Each new year has its animal patron and, as mentioned earlier, in 2022 it is a tiger.
Some people probably remember that 2021 was the year of the buffalo. There were a lot of horned skins released for the occasion, including Lunar Beast Alistar.
And here comes a problem. A lot of fans don’t understand why Riot missed this great opportunity this year, which was the release of Lunar skins for cat heroes.
A wasted opportunity for Lunar skins
There are many characters in League of Legends that are associated with certain species of animals. Good examples are Ahri – fox, Cassiopeia – snake or Twitch – rat. Of course, there are many more animal associations and you could say that you could find at least one champion for each Chinese zodiac sign.
Riot has in the past created skins that refer to the current year in China. An example is the above-mentioned Alistar, but also the Firecracker Sejuani on the occasion of the year of the pig or the Lunar Guardian Nasus released in the year of the dog.
Unfortunately, the creators are not consistent in releasing skins of this type. The opportunity was not always taken. It was the same this year. Players don’t understand why Riot has missed such a great opportunity to create themed cosmetics for heroes such as Rengar, Nidalee, and Yuumi.
One of the players wrote:
Why didn’t Nidlee, Yuumi, or Rengar get a skin for the Year of the Tiger event?
Year of the Ox gave Alister a skin despite how unpopular he is. Year of the dog gave Nasus and Warwick skins. Every other Chinese New Year event gave skinlines to thematically similar champions .
So why didn’t any of the three feline champions get skin lines for the Year of the Tiger? They even made a design for firecracker Yuumi as a emote. And if it’s because Yuumi and Rengar all really got skins last year why not give it to Nidlee? Where she turns into a tiger instead of a cougar?
Because instead we get Teemo as a tiger instead of the actual Feline champions.
Why did Riot stop giving animal champions a eastern zodiac skin this year?
While Rengar and Yuumi actually received new cosmetic additions quite recently, Space Hunter Nidalee came out on November 24, 2020.
Before the new skins were released, Riot confused players because a Yuumi tiger emote appeared on the test server, suggesting that a skin with this theme would also be in the game. Unfortunately, it did not happen, which disappointed the fans of the Magic Cat a lot.
Many commentators say that Riot’s behavior is terribly inconsistent, and it’s really hard to guess what selecting champions for this year’s skins was like. It was similar 2 years ago because as you know, 2020 was the year of the rat, and Twitch did not receive any skin with the Lunar theme. A lot of people think that wasting such opportunities is pointless and it’s just a pity that the creators did not want to release Lunar Beast Yuumi or Firecracker Nidalee.