Riot has prepared a special surprise for the player for his unusual achievement in LoL

League of Legends

Hardly anyone would decide to take on such a challenge, and even fewer people would actually complete it.

You probably know the topic of Tyler1, who took up an unusual challenge some time ago. He would achieve Challenger in all 5 roles. And since we are writing about it, he finally succeeded. Normally, it would not be so interesting if it were not for the ready-made charts and Riot, who prepared something special.

First, the chart, because it seems to be more interesting. It shows which rank in theory you will achieve the highest rank the fastest.

In theory, because in practice there are a lot of variables like trolls etc. Tyler has struggled with the people who sniped him, so a normal person should do better.

What is the conclusion? The fastest Challenger was achieved on support. That is:

  • Support
  • Mid
  • Jungle
  • And far, far behind the TOP

But it was done, and that’s what counts

Even Riot noticed this achievement. It’s a funny story, Tyler was once banned, today he is one of the most important people in the LoL world. Even Riot laughed a few months ago when they wrote:

Now Riot has gone further and there are words of appreciation on the official profile, stating that Tyler will receive something special, some special gift as a recognition.

The question is what will Tyler get? You can only guess that the e-mail will include tracking for a special package, some gift.

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