Riot slowly admits that they will want to build this character from scratch. It is supposed to be a new type of rework

League of Legends

Riot revealed that they are working on a new type of rework. This did not surprise us somehow, because it is a confirmation of previous leaks.

You can find a lot of characters in League of Legends that are quite popular, but there are also many heroes whose skill sets are not as appealing to players anymore. This is often the case with older champions, but it is not necessarily the case. A great example of a not very popular character whose skill set is not that old anymore is Aurelion Sol.

A Rioter announced a new type of update that, according to leaks, is to affect the Star Architect. According to unofficial information, this type of rework will not change the appearance or skills. It’ll be re-creating the hero – whatever that means.

Aurelion Sol update

Aurelion Sol has had a lot of problems since arriving on Summoner’s Rift. His signature skill set was highly controversial from the start, and Riot was unable to deal with it.

Numerous changes did not help, but only scared the mains of the hero away. It might seem that Aurelion will not see changes soon, but the leaks herald something else. Reav3 – Lead Champion Producer announced a special rework coming to League of Legends:

Riot describes it as a secret project that can’t be said much about. Normally, there would actually be nothing else to add here if it weren’t for the leakers.

One of the leaks says it is about Aurelion Sol. It’s worth mentioning here that it has been said for some time that Riot will want to “build it anew” while keeping its ‘star’ core.

This can’t be taken as confirmed, but two leaks suggest it. Now they make even more sense when Riot talks about a mysterious project and makeover they have never undertaken before.

Recall that the designer previously informed about the roadmap, from which players will be able to learn about plans for releasing and reworking champions. At the moment we know about the void jungler, the upcoming Udyr’s rework, and the mysterious botlaner.

It turns out that there is a good chance that Riot will also inform the LoL community about changes to the hero, which, according to leaks, is Aurelion Sol. However, everything will be revealed only around April.

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