Riot introduces Janna nerfs to servers after 24 hours, but apparently not because of TOP

League of Legends

There may be no official information in your language yet, but Janna nerfs are already on the servers.

There is an additional note about Janna in the notes for patch 12.3. Let us remind you that a total of 24 hours have passed since the moment when everybody started talking about this champion. This is due to the unusual, very controversial tactics of playing Janna on the top lane.

Riot has introduced a hotfix to servers, which nerfs the character. Interestingly, the developers point out that it is not about the tactics of playing her on TOP, there will be time for nerfs in this direction. So why did this have to happen to her?

Janna’s nerfs on servers

Riot sees what’s going on with Janna and introduces nerfs before the update. All this is due to the possibility of roaming – it may not be a nerf focused directly on the TOP, but it also weakens it indirectly.

Riot, on the other hand, points out:

‘These changes are not intended to adress her (and other enchganters’) recent top lane strategy. We’re working on a separate solution for that and will update as soon as we have an accurate forecast.’

The base movement speed, “W”, and “E” were nerfed. The changes are already on the servers.

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