Riot has promised frequent updates to the LoL client. Meanwhile, the last one appeared a year ago

League of Legends

League of Legends developers promised client updates, but seem to have forgotten about it.

One player recalled an interesting promise by LoL developers. Exactly a year ago, they promised players that they would clean up the client and add regular patches.

However, as it turned out, this was quickly forgotten. A new post with information has not appeared on the official site for a year, and most fans have forgotten that one was made.

Time to clean up the client

If you ask League of Legends players about the worst-performing element in their production, many of them will probably mention the client. While it doesn’t work the worst at the moment, at least on great PCs, users of weaker PCs still face many difficulties. Riot was supposed to do something about it, and actually did, but when it comes to the promised updates, it is… as usual.

Our CEF update proved to be extremely valuable in improving the client, so we’re establishing a more frequent update schedule (instead of once every 1.5 years, lolz). As for the rest of 2021, we will continue to prioritize the reliability of the client, address EOG with the Challenges team, address high-frustration bugs, and continue to improve our code to improve your experience. Thanks for joining us in celebrating this huge milestone on the Client Cleanup Campaign! See you in the next one.

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