Riot has finally fixed a fatal LoL bug recently discovered by players

Riot has eliminated one of the more serious errors that have recently plagued LoL.
League of Legends is known for not always working the way the developer or players might want it. Bugs often sneak into LoL that somehow spoil the gameplay. Some have a greater impact on it, others don’t affect it as much. It cannot be said that the recently discovered Rek’Sai bug was one of the second category. The heroine was able to literally take down her target with one blow, including epic creatures – the Baron or the dragon.
Bug finally fixed
Such a serious bug could not do any good and the games in which the character appeared were quickly destroyed. Some people were abusing the bug, which, as you can guess, brought them easy victories in ranked games. Fans decided to publicize this matter.
Riot noticed the problem and started working on eliminating it. Videos that can be found on the web indicate that it is W – Burrow/Unborrow’s fault. This skill allows you to go under the ground. When the ability is used again, Rek’Sai will surface, deal physical damage, and knock enemies up for 1 second. It turned out that the game captures injuries incorrectly after the heroine jumps out of the ground.

Shortly after the bug was discovered by the community, Riot addressed it in one of the patches.
Addressed the issue where, if exploited, Rek’Sai could almost immediately destroy targets using W – Burrow/Unburrow
Despite the fact that League often has these types of problems, the developers try to react quickly to them. The team is not able to test all the interactions that over 150 heroes have. You can expect that the LoL code after such a long period of development is really confusing and sometimes changes that seemingly were not intended for a given character will eventually make it buggy.