Riot had a slip-up that revealed a whole new rework. What to expect from the changed Karma?

League of Legends

Karma has received a rework in Wild Rift. Riot clearly wants to introduce it on PC – accidentally new skill descriptions have already been added.

It’s hard to say if this is a mishap or if it was meant to be, but in fact, there are skill descriptions in the PC client that Karma never had.

People who follow the world of LoL know very well that Karma has undergone a rework in Wild Rift. Everything indicates that Riot will also want to introduce something similar on the PC version.

What to expect from the Karma rework?

Karma has been changed a lot. Riot itself writes about her skills in a special entry (about Wild Rift).

Karma’s passive is Mantra. She gains a stack of Mantra with each spell cast, and reaching three stacks empowers her next ability. This change meant Karma’s signature spell empowering remained while ensuring it wasn’t a “dead button.”

“Mantra also fully resets when she ults,” adds wei2troll. “We wanted to keep the empowerment from her ultimate while making sure players could optimize it in Wild Rift to account for shorter game length. Moving Mantra to her passive also lets her combo smoothly and makes her kit cohesive.”


One of those smooooooth combos that players can pull off will be with Karma’s updated second ability. Focused Resolve will now automatically tether up to two nearby enemy champions on cast, and if those champions fail to escape the tether range, they’ll be rooted for a short time. When empowered, it will form an additional tether, forcing the two enemies to scatter. If the tethers aren’t broken in time, the enemies will be more rooted than the Dreaming Tree.


Karma’s new ultimate, Transcendent Embrace, forms a ring of spirit energy that deals damage, slows, and knocks enemies into the center if they’re caught on the edge. It was called The Donut in testing, and we all agreed to unofficially call it the Donut Danger Zone if you dared to stand on the edge.


It is not known when the rework will be released on PC. Of course, the appearance of the rework still cannot be taken as confirmed, but it is very likely.

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