Realistic League of Legends has great potential. What could LoL look like in 2022?

League of Legends

The current technology allows for really advanced projects, including the transformation of LoL to a game with a completely different atmosphere.

LoL is a competitive game. The multitude of skills and characters mean that the game itself must be as legible as possible. This is why there will probably never be anything like a realistic version of Riot’s MOBA.

However, we can always see what it could look like if Riot were tempted to use, for example, Unreal Engine 4. League of Legends would become a completely different production.

LoL but more realistic

This realistic version is just a completely different production, less readable, but very interesting. At one time, Epic changed the style of the entire Fortnite in specific locations to a completely different one – Riot could go in that direction and do something like this in some mode. Of course, the chances for this are slim, because developers are still not able to make even a winter version of the current SR.


It is, of course, less readable, and the skills would probably be incredibly difficult to spot. The creator himself had to use the third-person view here, which makes the whole thing look a bit like Smite.


Does something like this have potential? Of course not. Riot cares about its copyrights very much, so any copying of the map and characters is out of the question. In addition, the view from behind the character’s back, although it could be interesting, has not worked anywhere in MOBA games so far.

The use of more modern technology, however, makes sense, e.g. in various types of ceremonies, where such shows are very spectacular.


LoL has its own unique look that cannot be imitated. It is similar with, for example, CS, which could look nicer but would lose soul and readability as a result.

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