
Players suggest Riot should permaban individuals who destroy ranked games in preseason

The community is pissed off at people who don’t take preseason ranked games seriously.

The topic of trolling for ranked games in League of Legends returns regularly. Particularly during the preseason, it is quite a sensitive issue, as quite a few people consider ranked games less important during this period, and therefore it is okay to try less, or even fool around or deliberately feed.

Players who take ranked games seriously are strongly upset with the current situation. They believe that Riot should severely punish anyone who destroys others’ gameplay. Whether it happens in the preseason or not should not matter.

Bans for trolling in the preseason

Some people mistakenly believe that preseason ranked matches have no meaning and are only slightly more serious normals. Of course, this is not true, so it is not worth trolling in such matches, not least because it may result in reports from allies.

Unfortunately, things are not very nice when it comes to penalties in League of Legends. It’s not a well-known fact that there are certain individuals who were able to feed in a dozen or even dozens of matches before being banned. The community is outraged by this fact. Players suggest that there should be no mercy for people who ruin others’ fun and do everything to make the game end in failure.

Upset fans say that preseason ranked games are not the place to test new heroes or builds, because such things should be done on normals or custom games. The fact that a preseason is underway shouldn’t matter here.

It’s worth recalling why trolling on rankeds in the preseason is not a wise idea. Although getting a higher rank during this period does not give rewards such as skins, the effort can be profitable because it affects the MMR of the account. Anyone who wants an easier start to the 2023 season should take the subject seriously.

Will Riot do something about trolls and feeding players during the preseason? There is no expectation that every such player will be banned. This is not the case even during the actual season. Nevertheless, it is apparent that the problem is annoying and recurs every year. Players hope that the developers will start looking at the issue in a stern way.