
Players complain strongly again about the new League of Legends event – “every pass is the same”

The LoL community is again complaining about the in-game pass. Is it getting worse and worse?

A new event recently launched in League of Legends, which is related to the latest Faerie Court skin series. More cosmetic additions came to the game, including quite a few skins, new quests, and, of course, a pass that can be purchased with RP.

With the start of the event, a familiar problem returned, namely the repetitiveness of events and the feeling that Riot is not trying when planning new content in the game. Players once again feel that they got the same thing again, which does not bring anything interesting other than skins to bring profit to the developers.

Complaining about passes in LoL

Even before the Faerie Court event officially appeared in the client, quite a few people claimed that it was similar to the previous events. It was claimed that despite the addition of a new line of skins, the event doesn’t really stand out.

Some time passed and the Faerie Court skins and pass were finally added to the live servers. Not long after, posts began to appear on the Internet that Riot was doing the same thing again – releasing another boring event, which in addition had various bugs.

One player wrote on Reddit:

It’s kind of sad that EVERY pass is the same, just copy/paste new skins and icons into it – yet EVERY pass has new issues or is made worse for the Community. It’s honestly insane how battlepasses are the standard across F2P games nowadays ( and even some P2P games..) yet League manages to mess up every.single.pass.

Like, low effort ‘event’ aside – it’s honestly borderline impressive. You either get nerfed rewards, Don’t get your content you pay for, or both, but each pass has somthing ‘Break’

Either the missions list they are giving X number of XP but instead give Y,

The rewards say claimed even though you have not clicked anything, you purchase the bundle that features the skin, but don’t get orbs with it ( even though it says it does).

And gosh knows what else.

How is something as simple as copy/paste so difficult to get right, when no other major developer seems to have this consistent of an issue?

Many players supported the above opinion, and it’s hardly surprising here – the topic of lame passes recurs regularly. The community complains that Riot does not create any new modes, focuses only on skins, and events can be full of bugs. Even such major events as those held during the vacations are not polished – probably quite a few people remember the huge mishap with the Star Guardian event when players could not acquire tokens and make progress in missions for days.

Some admitted that they had already lost hope that it would get better. Others wrote that they won’t buy passes until Riot comes to its senses and starts listening to its community.