
Maokai called an “elo booster” in LoL. How to play it and what do you need to know to win?

Maokai is now one of the best junglers in LoL, but mainly under this configuration.

The tree has returned to the forest, something that no one was likely to expect. This sight was really extremely rare in the 2022 season, while in the preseason it is already wreaking havoc.

The best configuration for him is AP. The power of skill makes him win the largest number of games, which professional players know very well.

Mighty AP Maokai

As for the popularity of Maokai, except for the moments when its rework was released, it was not incredibly popular. It usually filled a niche and was enjoyed by a small percentage of the community. Now he has become a meta in the jungle, built for AP. His win rate is interesting in that the longer the game lasts, the greater the chance of winning, and it’s even up to over 60%.

If he manages to build two key items, it is difficult to find another hero with such an impact on the game.

As for maxing out skills, “Q” will help the most in the jungle, and then the player should max out “E” to deal powerful damage to enemies. On the other hand, betting on “W” is discouraged, because the AP configuration is not strong enough to keep him alive after entering the enemy team.

Maokai owes its damage mainly to Liandra and Demonic Embrace, rather than to skills, and as a result, Ionian Boots will work best on him. The Redditor describing his performance even recommends that it be purchased immediately upon first returning to base.

Which runes to choose? Phase Rush will work well during a run when the player decides to enter the enemy with a “W”. Nimbus Cloak and Water Walking will also add mobility, while Transcendence will provide reduced cooldowns. In additional stats, reduced cooldowns, additional AP and health or armor are best.

As for items, the most important are Demonic Embrace and Liandra. Then players build Shadowflame and Zhonya or Morello. The item for jungle should be selected under team compositions.

Maokai should do well for the next few weeks. Riot Games is currently on Christmas break and the next update won’t arrive until mid-January.