LoL season 13 – EUNE and EUW server launch time announced by Riot

Riot has already shared the information that so many people are waiting for. The developers have officially revealed what times to expect the update.
The hours given must be considered final, although in the past Riot has scored some slip-ups when announcing them. So one should keep it in the back of one’s mind. In any case, the developers have already shared information about what time the patch starts on the servers of most interest to the European community, viz:
Season 13 start time
This information is official. If anything goes wrong, Riot and specific location studios are to blame.
You ask, we answer.
EUNE | 11.01 | from 3 am (CET)
EUW | 11.01. | from 6 am (CET)
More information: tommorow.
EUNE will start the next night at 3:00 a.m., EUW 3 hours later, at 6:00 a.m. CET. Naturally, these are the times of the patch’s introduction, while immediately after that the servers will be launched, and thus the new season, numbered 13.