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Leaked skins for Ekko, Jinx and Samira. Unfortunately, they will not make it to League of Legends on PC

A leak of new skins coming to League of Legends on mobile devices has surfaced online.

Wild Rift is a game that is constantly evolving and receiving exclusive cosmetic additions that will not be found in other titles from Riot. True, the developers are also adding skins known from LoL on PC, but it has long been known that the studio’s goal is to attract new players to the mobile title, which will entice them with content unavailable in other games. Even unique characters are expected to appear in the future, but that will have to wait.

For the moment, fans are following the skins that are being created for Wild Rift, and there are quite a few of them. The developers regularly release new cosmetic additions. The latest ones belong to a completely new series. What do they look like?

New cosmetic additions to Wild Rift

The new skins, which splash art has been revealed, belong to the Chromacrash series, which is distinguished by its colors. One of the skins is to be legendary and will go to Samira. The heroine will thus get new lines of dialogue. The other two will go to Ekko and Jinx.

This is what the graphics of each of the skins look like:

Chromacrash Samira (legendary)

Chromacrash Ekko

Chromacrash Jinx

In the comments under the splash art, one can read that many players are very sad that the skins shown above will only go to Wild Rift. According to some, the series is more interesting than the new edition of Cosmophase, which has been heavily criticized by some (whether by the execution of some skins or the choice of characters).