Ivern’s serious bug that has been in LoL for a really long time. Players are asking for it to be corrected

Ivern has been affected by a serious bug for a long time, and Riot doesn’t do anything about it.
Bugs in League of Legends are something Riot fans have come to terms with. The designers are constantly working on fixes that are intended to both maintain the balance of the game and eliminate problems that prevent it from going as it should. Ivern’s fans, however, face a relatively significant problem, which causes Daisy, whom their favorite champion can summon, to behave bizarrely in certain situations.
What’s wrong with Ivern?
Daisy is one of the most important elements in the character’s skill set. A controllable companion can take a lot of hits from the opponent, deal damage to them, or apply crowd control effects. In team fights, Ivern’s ultimate is something that is difficult to fight without.
It turns out, however, that Daisy can behave unpredictably in certain situations, all due to a bug. As the user with the nickname SomeoneNewToReddit writes, who decided to share the clip with the error with the community and describe it in detail, the problem has been bothering players for a long time.
The bug has at least been in the game for months if not years, but the first video evidence I could find of the bug to date it, is 5 months ago, 11.23, but the bug is older.
The problem is that an effect that reduces armor or magic resist when applied to Daisy causes the companion to run away.
The “amount” of times this bug can occur per “spell” depends on the spell but certain champions like Rell and Corki can “perma” apply the bug with their respective spells as you can see down below.While champions like Karthus, Wu and Renekton can only apply it once per spell cast.
The author also shared clips where you can see exactly where the problem lies.

As you can see, the matter is quite significant, and the fact that Riot has not paid attention to this issue for so long may be surprising. Interestingly, the error did not affect only Ivern, but from the comments, you can learn that also Annie, whose ultimate works on a very similar principle, is subject to change in that regard.