It is already known which champion will be reworked in LoL. Who had the most amount of votes?

League of Legends

We know the results of the community vote for a rework. There is no major doubt.

Riot officially revealed who won the community vote. This time the results were quite unambiguous, one of the characters definitely stood out from the rest. Riot is going to have a pretty big conundrum about who should they rework next.

In any case, Skarner was chosen first.

Vote for rework 2022

Loads of you gave the Rift’s one and only scorpion some love this time around. Skarner stood head and shoulders (do scorpions even have shoulders?) above the other contenders, claiming the top spot in the global polls by a wide margin.

Ryan “Reav3” Mireles, Lead Producer of Champions: We’re super excited that Skarner won the VGU vote, as we think he has tons of potential to be something truly special on the League roster. We’ve tried smaller reworks of Skarner’s kit in the past, but it never really increased his playrate, so we’ll be looking to do a massive reboot of his kit, theme, and visuals (similar to Sion and Urgot). We’ll look to keep his kidnapping ult in some form, but otherwise we’ll be rebuilding him from the ground up.

The Brackern don’t have tons of lore currently, and we’re looking forward to diving deeper into their world and backstory. It’ll still be a couple months until we get started, but once we do we’ll share our progress in dev blogs so we can get your feedback on our scorpion friend. So keep an eye out for one of those later this year.

Before I go, I wanted to talk about our forever-a-bridesmaid, Shyvana. We know a lot of you are disappointed that our favorite half-dragon lady keeps getting so close to winning without ever taking the crown. Like many of you, we really want to see her updated because a badass half-dragon shifter has so much potential. As you know we don’t do votes for every VGU, like with Mundo. So while we can’t promise that Shyvana will be the next big VGU we do, she is a pretty strong contender for the next one we explore outside of a VGU vote.

Be sure to keep an eye out for updates on Skarner’s VGU this year, and we’ll be sure to share any plans for updating other champions as they come up!

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