First impressions of players after the 12.10 update in LoL – “Game feels fresh”
The long-awaited patch was released to League of Legends, which was supposed to mess up the game a lot. What do players think about this?
Update 12.10 was supposed to be the one that would “turn the meta upside down”. The Rioters themselves did not know what could happen and they assured that they would collect information and balance the heroes who turned out to be too strong.
Some of the fans feared that the gameplay would suffer a lot from the announced changes, but there were also those who felt that nothing would change and many LoL problems would not be resolved at all.
The community has already played a lot of games and some of them have their first opinions about it. Satisfied players shared them on the Internet and wrote down what they liked the most.
Patch 12.10 feedback
There are more and more comments on the web about the recent changes to League of Legends. The player with the nickname Plantarbre wrote:
Game feels fresh since update. Playing ADC/Control mages, the game felt really good. Longer fights, CC feels relevant, can stack keystones and items. Less zhonya reliant, movespeed has become really important.
As bruiser, game feels the same, but my targets are harder to kill. It seems fine, because I have a huge place in teamfights by being a damage sponge that can fight back.
The player also added that in his opinion, it is much more important to control the map correctly and plan fights, instead of sudden random encounters, which were quick and “explosive”. All this makes playing the Enchanter also more rewarding.
The author of the post asked if the others agreed with his opinions or if they had their own thoughts.
Another LoL fan – Losbin – wrote:
Yes, I’m enjoying the game so much more all of a sudden. My favourite thing to play are midlane control mages. Before the patch, control mages were pretty weak and you had to play super careful in lane and in team fights to not die immediately. Any skirmish was over in 10 seconds and often times you would either die/Zhonyas (when engaged on) or not have time to position properly and actually do your Dmg.
Playing a control mage into any midlane assassin in SoloQ felt so bad, because if the assassin got ahead in way, it was so hard not to die in lane. With this patch, it feels like you you actually have agency as a control mage. You don’t have to be afraid to get 100-0’d by a Rengar thats slightly ahead or killed by 2 AoE-Spells in a teamfight. And that helps your positioning alot.
Also the fights last long enough for you to be able to get the perfect line up (e.g. 4 man Ori ult).
Man, I love this patch.
As you can guess, the patch did not appeal to all players and there are also those who criticize the changes, claiming that the games are not more interesting. Not everyone likes the fact that certain aspects of the gameplay now take longer. There are also people who complain that they lose more games after the update and often encounter overly fed opponents.
Sadly my games were not fun.. all went this way: one in the enemy team gets fed early game because ur team keeps inting into them doesnt have enough damage to finish so they get free kills, they proceed to carry .. they are very fed so they can always 100 to 0 anybody and you cant come back into the game no matter what because they cant be killed and u cant get fed elsewhere because everyone is harder to kill so eventually that fed carry will come to the fight to help win it. So far it happened with: master yi, kennen, vayne, wukong, gwen, mordkaiser…
Riot is definitely watching the situation all the time and will try to fix the problems and balance the heroes and items. It is still fairly early to evaluate some changes.