
An earlier description of patch 13.7 of League of Legends. What fixes have the game developers prepared?

What exactly does the upcoming update to League of Legends look like?

Another patch is headed to League of Legends. LoL developers have already shared the list of characters and items that will be included in it, and now one of the designers has shared detailed fixes for the aforementioned heroes and items. Among other things, the 13.7 update will include buffs for Azir, who is doing really poorly after the recent changes. What exactly will change when the next patch is released?

List of changes in update 13.7

Champions’ buffs

  • Azir
    • Base stats
      • Base armor increased 19 >>> 22

      • Attack speed per level increased 5% >>> 6%

    • Shurima’s Legacy (P)
      • Duration increased 30 >>> 45 seconds

      • Summon range increased 500 >>> 700

    • Conquering Sands (Q)
      • Mana cost increased 65/70/75/80/85 >>> 70/80/90/100/110

      • Stab range reduced 370 >>> 325

    • Arise! (W)
      • Mana cost reduced 40 flat >>> 40/35/30/25/20

      • Damage adjusted 0-110 (based on level) (+50/60/70/80/90) >>> 0-92 (based on level) (+50/67/84/101/118)

  • Katarina
    • Voracity (P)
      • Dagger AP ratio increased 65/75/85/95% >>> 70/80/90/100% (based on level 1/6/11/16)
    • Death Lotus (R)
      • bAD ratio adjusted 18% bAD (+30% bAD per 100% bonus attack speed) >>> 16% bAD (+50% bAD per 100% bonus attack speed)
  • Kalista
    • Base stats
      • AD per level increased 3.5 >>> 3.75

    • Martial Poise (P)
      • Ceremony shortened 13 >>> 9 seconds
  • Graves
    • New Destiny (P)
      • Bonus physical damage critical strike chance ratio increased 20% >>> 30%
    • Collateral Damage (R)
      • Cooldown reduced 120/90/60 >>> 100/ 80/60 seconds
  • Alistar
    • Base stats
      • Base armor increased 44 >>> 47

      • Base HP increased 670 >>> 685

  • Yasuo
    • Way of the Wanderer (P)
      • Shield increased 100-475 >>> 100-575 (based on level, backloaded)
    • Sweeping Blade (E)
      • Maximum stacks increased 2 >>> 4

      • Bonus damage per stack adjusted 25% base damage >>> 15-25% (based on champion level) total damage

Champions’ nerfs

  • Rammus
    • Defensive Ball Curl (W)
      • Armor ratio reduced 40/55/70/85/100% >>> 40/50/60/70/80%
  • Veigar
    • Baleful Strike (Q)
      • AP ratio adjusted 60% >>> 45/50/55/60/65%
    • Dark Matter (W)
      • AP ratio adjusted 100% >>> 70/80/90/100/110%
    • Primordial Burst (R)
      • AP ratio reduced 75% >>> 65/70/75%
  • Olaf
    • Berserker Rage (P)
      • Max attack speed reduced 60-100% >>> 50-100% (based on level)
    • Undertow (Q)
      • Damage reduced 70/120/170/220/270 >>> 65/115/165/215/265
  • Sejuani
    • Fury of the North (P)
      • Elite monster damage cap 300 >>> 250
    • Arctic Assault (Q)
      • Cooldown increased 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 >>> 19/17.5/16/14.5/13 seconds
    • Glacial Prison (R)
      • Cooldown increased 120/100/80 >>> 130/110/90 seconds
  • Vi
    • Vault Breaker (Q)
      • Damage adjusted 55/80/105/130/155 (+70% bAD) >>> 45/70/95/120/145 (+80% bAD)
    • Relentless Force (E)
      • Damage adjusted 10/30/50/70/90 (+110% AD) (+90% AP) >>> 0/15/30/45/60 (+120% AD) (+100% AP)
  • Wukong
    • Base stats
      • Base AD reduced 68 >>> 66

    • Warrior Trickster (W)
      • Cooldown increased 22/19.5/17/14.5/12 >>> 22/20/18/16/14
    • Nimbus Strike (E)
      • Bonus attack speed reduced 40/45/50/55/60% >>> 35/40/45/50/55%
  • Lee Sin
    • Base stats
      • Base AD reduced 68 >>> 66

      • Base armor reduced 36 >>> 34

  • Zeri
    • Base stats
      • HP per level reduced 115 >>> 110

    • Living Battery (P)
      • Shield steal reduced 60% >>> 50%
    • Lightning Crash (R)
      • bAD ratio reduced 100% >>> 85%
  • Annie
    • Molten Shield (E)
      • Cooldown increased 12/11/10/9/8 >>> 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds

      • Shield reduced 60/100/140/180/220 >>> 60/95/130/165/200

  • Thresh
    • Death Sentence (Q)
      • Cooldown refund on hit reduced 3 >>> 2 seconds

Champion adjustments

  • Kha’Zix
    • Base stats
      • Not isolated range reduced 425 >>> 375 between allies

    • Spike Racks (W)
      • Slow reduced 60% >>> 40%

      • Isolated slow reduced 90% >>> 75%

    • Void Assault (R)
      • Recast duration increased 10 >>> 12 seconds

Systems’ buffs

  • Death’s Dance
    • AD reduced 65 >>> 55

    • Armor reduced 50 >>> 45

    • AH increased 0 >>> 15

    • Build path changed Pickaxe + Pickaxe + Chain Vest >>> Pickaxe + Chain Vest + Caufield’s Warhammer

  • Abyssal Mask
    • HP increased 500 >>> 550
  • Grevious Wounds
    • Oblivion Orb, Morellonomicon, Chemtech Putrifier, Executioner’s Calling, Mortal Reminder, Chempunk Chainsword now all apply Grevious Wounds to targets where the damage would be completely blocked by a shield. Invulnerable targets will still not have Grevious Wounds applied.

System nerfs

  • Catalyst of Aeons
    • HP increased 225 >>> 300

    • Cost increased 1100 >>> 1300