After 2 years, Riot remembered that something like this had been introduced. And that was supposed to be such a great novelty

What’s next for the Eternals feature from LoL? Will the developers keep it updated?
Eternals were to be an interesting variety to League of Legends. Unfortunately, from the very beginning, the players showed that they are quite skeptical about this novelty. Not everyone liked this feature, especially because it required unlocking.
Some time passed, and some forgot about the Eternals completely. Those who were interested in it unlocked Eternals for specific heroes and unlocked new challenges while playing.
Unfortunately, due to certain situations, Riot could not diversify this feature, which resulted in a lot of people saying that it was abandoned. It turns out that this is not the case at all and the lack of corrections or novelties is not due to the abandonment of the project, but something completely different.
Has Riot forgotten the Eternals update?
The Eternals topic returned after one player noticed that Tahm Kench’s Quests are not updated and therefore cannot be completed. All this is due to the fact that the protagonist received a mini-work, which consisted, among others, of the transfer of his W in the place of ult. Today, Devour is a champion’s ultimate, although in the client’s Patron tab it is still signed as a normal skill.
Some commenters suggested that there will be no update because Riot probably abandoned the entire project because it turned out to be a flop. One of the creators – KenAdamsNSA – spoke about the case, revealing that the truth is completely different.
As you can see, the creators of League of Legends did not abandon Eternals at all, but were constantly working on the next series. The difficult world situation has shifted many plans, not only those related to the Eternals, so it is not surprising that some players have drawn the wrong conclusions.