A new record for the number of eliminations in one LoL game was set. Hecarim approached the magical bound

League of Legends

One player appears to have set a new record for the number of eliminations in one game.

In LoL, there were already games where people had up to 500 eliminations. This, however, was due to various types of bugs that were later patched. So it’s hard to say that it could be classified as a record.

Now it looks like one of the players has set an actual record during a normal match. At least, that’s what YouTubers and sites that collect information about LoL say.

A new record in LoL

A new person has appeared in the ranking showing the highest amount of eliminations. Hecarim with 90 kills in just one game. Now all you have to do is wait for someone to beat this long-awaited hundred.

In theory, you might think it’s set up somehow, but probably not – at least not at the beginning. Everything looks quite normal here, the gameplay itself as well, although at some point the opponents clearly let themselves get killed.

The match lasted 51 minutes, during which time Hecrim dealt 197,000 damage and managed to get rid of 90 of his opponents, with 99 eliminations on one side throughout the game.

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