
A LoL player lost his LP even though he had AFK in the game. He wrote to Riot and got a really strange response

What is Riot’s advice when AFKs are frequently encountered in ranked games?

Going AFK in League of Legends can have really unpleasant consequences. For the player who leaves the game, it will probably end in a temporary block of the account, and in extreme cases even its loss. Allies of such a player, on the other hand, find themselves in the unpleasant situation of being forced to fight a complete enemy team, being on the losing end when they have to play with one player missing.

Riot tries to help such situations by preventing the loss of LPs in unfair games. In the case of one player, however, the protection didn’t work, and he decided to write to the developers asking why this happened. However, he did not expect the answer he received.

Why did the player lose his LP?

A user with the nickname _Composites_ shared his situation with the LoL community. He wrote a message to Riot asking why, despite the fact that there was an AFK on his team and the game was surrendered by 4 other people, he lost league points.

Hello, I receive no loss mitigation on my last game (AFK JINX, 4 Affirmed Surrender). Despite game prompting surrender due to teammate AFK, -25LP no mitigation for teammate AFK.

Riot has said that there is a top-down limit on the number of games that can be treated by the AFK protection system.

I’m sorry to hear that you stumbled upon 3 AFK players in 3 different Ranked matches that you played! Unfortunately, the Loss mitigation has a weekly limit and when the limit is reached, no further LP can be mitigated.

Once thge new week rolls in, the limit will be reset and more LP can be mitigated for situations in which a player was AFK in your match.

However, the Rioter, with whom the player communicated, decided to provide additional advice that can help win a game with four players. He wrote that combinations of heroes, such as Malphite or Yasuo or Amumu and Miss Fortune, for example, can really do a lot, even if the enemy team has one player more.

Although the information regarding the fact that there is a top-down limit to how many games with AFKs can be covered against such players the advice in which the Rioter wrote that a player could try to play with said characters amused many commenters. It was also mentioned that it is sad that even Riot is suggesting that fans should make a top-down assumption that they will encounter an AFK in a game.