
Players ask about microtransactions, the creators of Hogwarts Legacy respond, calming the mood

Yesterday, players received a short material from a new production in the world of Harry Potter. Hogwarts Legacy looks really good.

It is still far too early to predict huge success or talk about a great failure, but the Hogwarts Legacy seems promising. You can see that the creators made every effort to make the created world interesting and bring a breath of fresh air.

The combat system looks pretty good, the graphics as well as the overall game – of course, you should always bear in mind that the presentation was scripted.

What about microtransactions?

It is known that as a student of the school of magic, we will have to go through tests, learn potions, spells, and craft items. So many questions arose as to whether it would be possible to omit all of this with microtransactions. There is only one answer: No.

This is definitely good news, unless, of course, the developers have approached it in some “creative” way and have not renamed making it easier to something else, which is a microtransaction, but with a slightly different name.