
Trees in Fortnite are a very good ally, because they automatically fall on the opponent

Fortnite trees can be a pretty smart way to take out your opponents.

Season 3 introduced tall trees with falling mechanics to Fortnite. It is interesting enough to be useful under the right circumstances. Most players have probably noticed this by now, but the trees have an “aim” mechanic.

Oczywiście chodzi tutaj o opadające drzewa, zniszczone przez gracza. Ta mała wskazówka niekiedy potrafi uratować życie, innym razem pomoże w likwidacji naszego przeciwnika, który kręci się wokół drzewa.

Drzewo niczym najlepszy sojusznik

Of course, it is about falling trees, destroyed by the player. Sometimes this little tip can save a life, other times it will help in eliminating our opponent who is spinning around the tree.


It is worth using it in your games since you can surprise people who don’t know about it. There are relatively few such situations because players simply don’t know about it. It is used at higher levels.