
This is the first time Fortnite has ever done this. A storm will never appear in these 2 locations

Epic has done this for the first time in Fortnite’s history. It is not officially known why.

Yesterday, a new update came to Fortnite, which introduced changes to weapons, among other things. They are not amazing, and the entire description of the content update can be contained in a single graphic, which players actually created:

However, Epic has introduced something else. Changes regarding storms and its behavior.

Zones work differently now. This was done strictly because of player feedback.

There will be no storm here

Interestingly, however, something else has been introduced along with these changes. Namely, there are now two specific locations on the map where a storm will not occur.

Some believe that this is about some bugs that occur in these two locations, while others claim that Epic simply did this for the sake of improving the overall gameplay experience. However, it’s interesting that this information came from the leakers, not the developers.

There may be more of these types of spots in the future, and it’s a very interesting direction this could all go. The question is whether gamers will now push Epic to exclude more spots.