Fortnite’s longest winstreak will be incredibly tough to beat. Though in Solo it might be easier

Have you ever wondered what is the longest winstreak (number of consecutive games won) in Fortnite?
Winning matches in Fortnite isn’t extremely difficult, as long as you play with bots in the lobby, of course. Winning “normally”, especially a few games in a row, can be quite problematic. That’s why at this point the longest winstreak in Solo mode is not the most special.
TOP 3 looks as follows:
- 3rd Place – 24 wins in a row
- 2nd place – 25 wins in a row
- 1st Place – 28 wins in a row
Can it be beaten? Rather yes, although it may be difficult. On Youtube and Twitch, there are a lot of different record holders who are constantly trying to beat this result.
But what about the record in all modes?
The fact that winning in different modes is easier is proved by the rankings for the squads. Here you can easily enter the game with level 1 in the team, so the results are abstractly high.
- 3rd place – 205 wins in a row
- 2nd place – 215 wins in a row
- 1st place, which probably will not be beaten – 296 wins in a row
In duo it looks less impressive because in the first place is the player who managed to win 110 games, then TOP 2 is 40 and TOP 3 is 29 wins in a row. They are still very good results, it’s still very fat to get close to 300 of them.