
Epic laughs at itself. One of Fortnite’s biggest bugs has just been honored

Epic has a lot of distance to itself, as shown by the latest addition that appeared in Fortnite.

Some developers are very concerned about any bugs, and after they have been fixed, they often pretend that they never were in the game. Epic, in that regard, is completely different. Fortnite creators often laugh at themselves and even commemorate their own mishaps.

This is exactly the case this time. Some time ago, there was a lot of talk about tires that could knock over various types of structures, including a statue. It was quite comical, and of course, it was a bug.

Epic honored it by itself

In the past, Epic has repeatedly added various types of easter eggs to Fortnite, and this one can easily be included in them. The tires appeared under the statue.

It is definitely something unusual for a game. Everyone is rather ashamed of their mistakes, and Epic is just joking about them as if they did not disrupt the entire gameplay.