Twitch streamer fell for the shortcut “Alt + F4”. Exactly what you might expect happened


The Twitch community likes to trick people who are fairly new to TTV and rather inexperienced with computers.

On Twitch, there are completely new people who can fall for all kinds of jokes. They usually concern clicking inappropriate pictures or opening links leading to 18+ content.

Sometimes, however, “trolls” are gentler and do not mean to make the person banned. This was the case in which the new streamer was asked to use the Alt + F4 key combination.

Alt + F4 on Twitch

The Alt + F4 shortcut can mess up a lot on your computer. Not only does it turn off the program you are currently using, but it is also able to turn off your computer. A streamer who used it found out about it.


She turned off not only the streaming program but the entire computer in general. After a few minutes, she came back laughing at herself and adding that she learned quite a useful thing.


The second time she will know not to listen to the chat in every situation and not necessarily use all the prompts.

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