Twitch pool streamer has a mishap, damaging her pool at home

Placing the pool at home is quite risky, as one of the streamers found out.
Swimming pools on Twitch are found not because filling them in flats or houses is great entertainment. Twitch allows you to wear swimwear only when it is properly justified.
Therefore, the regulations allow swimwear when swimming in a swimming pool, on beaches, or open water bodies. The streamers used this to tempt viewers with skimpy costumes.
But it comes at a price
The price of an exposed body is to position pools in places where they normally should not be, which is most often in apartments and houses. Nobody needs to be told what comes with a leaky pool in such places.
One of the streamers learned that the hard way. “micadeboe” stood in such a position to make the chat easier to see and at one point she slipped.

The pool “unfolded” and some of the water went outside of it. Cleaning took about 10-20 minutes, the streamer during this particular broadcast did not return to the pool anymore, but was sitting in front of the computer.
Did it have any greater consequences? Probably not, because it happened some time ago and not much has changed since then. Well, maybe apart from the additional foil under the pool itself, which is to protect against such turn of events.