
Twitch got scared and made a decision. Many people were not even surprised

Twitch first took the position that it would rewrite all the major points of the revised regulations.

Twitch faced so much criticism that it probably didn’t want to heat up the topic any further. The proposed changes were not liked by virtually anyone and posed a big problem even no longer for specific ad brokers, but also for esports as a whole.

Not being able to display ads was a big problem for the world’s biggest tournaments, which presented material from their sponsors during breaks between matches. Many have threatened to walk away from Twitch if it does not back down from the changes.

Twitch steps down and apologizes

As expected, the platform has given up. Instead of rewriting everything, it simply backed down.

In short, none of the changes from the new regulations regarding advertising will pass. Everything has been withdrawn. This was predictable, looking at the fact that those with the most reach streamers and the biggest players have started to turn away from Twitch.

However, it is still unclear why Twitch came up with the idea of regulating ads in the first place. Many point out that the service may have some internal liquidity issues, and it actually makes sense. It is Youtube that is increasingly being embraced as a major partner for broadcasts of galas, events, etc. Of course, Twitch is by far the larger strictly streaming platform and that is unlikely to change.