
Pool streamer mishap proves that taking your laptop to the pool is a bad idea

Pools and computer equipment do not go hand in hand, as one Twitch streamer found out.

The pool category is still doing really well. Every day there are streams that are quite popular. For many streamers it is a kind of a way to the top of popularity.

Since there are still loads of streams that focus on bathing, of course, there are major and minor mishaps. This time, one of the streamers lost her laptop.

Why is it better not to take the laptop to the pool?

During the broadcast, the streamer with the laptop on her lap sat in the wrong way – the chair was too close to the edge of the pool. Effect? Falling right into the pool with everything – accessories, a camera, and, above all, a laptop.


Admittedly, it was a painful lesson, but rather predictable. Several streamers have already lost cameras, laptops, or phones this way. They may be waterproof in theory, but will usually result in complete destruction of the equipment. It looks like now the donations will go towards laptop expenses.