
Pool streamer did something very weird on Youtube after perma-ban on Twitch

One popular streamer was banned from Twitch, so she moved temporarily to Youtube.

“baerasoni” is a popular Twitch streamer who is watched by more than 279,000 people. Her streams were watched by several thousand people.

So she is already quite a popular person. Therefore, many people were strongly surprised by how the girl behaved after receiving a ban from Twitch.

Weird behavior after Twitch ban

The girl temporarily (although it’s hard to say since she supposedly has a perma ban) moved to another platform, and interestingly enough, she didn’t choose Kick, but Youtube. This, however, did not work out well for her, as she may receive a ban there as well. Her content is clearly “indicative.” In case anyone was wondering what she got banned from Twitch for, among other things:


Sure, we’re talking about a typical pool streamer, but it would seem that, with such a fanbase, you can refrain from certain activities.


The streamer’s appeal against the Twitch ban was rejected, so she probably decided that she already had nothing to lose anyway and could afford to push the limits. It is known that nothing is visible here, but the behavior itself is already quite peculiar.

Youtube allows more than Twitch but also has its limits. If anything, streamers are still left with Kick. There, for now, you can do the most, as long as you follow simple rules.