
Indiefoxx, one of Twitch’s biggest pool streamers, has returned in such an outfit after a 2-year ban

Indiefoxx returned to Twitch and, as expected, recorded very good viewing figures.

It seemed that Indiefoxx would be one of the first streamers to get banned. Meanwhile, she was one of the few who had to take a break in her “career.” You may associate Indiefoxx with the ASMRs, on which she firmly stuck her butt out, or from very specific outfits.

The streamer was banned for a good 2 years. It’s the same case as with many other streamers, i.e. a perma ban with no possibility of appeal, but with grace after a few years. Indiefoxx was banned multiple times until finally Twitch said enough.

Return after two years

About 15,000 people came to see her return. Whether this is a lot or a little – of course, it depends on whom we are talking about. The streamer previously held broadcasts during which she easily topped this number. And these were not some amazing streams.

Everyone was wondering what outfit Indiefoxx would appear in. Clips and VODs are all off for her streams – a classic tactic after such a ban, but other streamers watched her return. And so it turned out that Indiefoxx chose a very safe option – the outfit of a convict.


There was no swimsuit – clearly the streamer didn’t want to annoy Twitch. In particular, there was no pool in her room, and it’s an absolute must-have for swimsuit broadcasts.

This is happening at a time when female streamers are doing things like this on Twitch:


That is, looking at the washing machine or doing laundry without washing. It’s hard to say why and what for, but it works.