Discord is getting ready for April Fool’s Day. There is a new option in the messenger settings

Already in early March, there was talk of a feature that Discord is quietly testing. Now more is known about it.
Discord is already prepared for April Fool’s Day. Leakers managed to show what the platform had planned for April 1. In early March, there was talk of a mode that was called ‘poggermode’ in the files.
Today it is known that it has been changed and is now ‘Powermode’. The name itself reveals what to expect from it.
Discord and April Fool’s Day
Discord will probably add ‘Powermode’ on April 1.
People who know a bit about programming will perfectly know what it is about. These are special visual effects when writing – most often moving the entire console of, in this case, Discord.
Of course, all this will not be introduced until April 1. By this point, it is possible that the expected effects will leak completely.