Why is it better not to check other people’s brakes in Cyberpunk 2077? This is a perfect example


Everyone on the road has met an NPC at least once, which for some reason suddenly began to brake. In Cyberpunk 2077, it may end up quite strange.

Cyberpunk 2077 suffers from many different bugs all the time – although to tell the truth, they are not very annoying at the moment, and over the course of several months CDPR has significantly limited their number. In any case, if they do occur, they are very disturbing.

Some make you stunned, others make you smile, and still, others are perfect for compilations of road accidents. A Reddit user with the nickname “noctngu” showed why it is better not to check the brakes of the NPC or the player himself.

Better not to do that

In theory, nothing unusual happens in the recording. Until the NPC decides to make the player’s life difficult, then disappears under the map. However, this is only the beginning of this story.


Of course, this does not affect the gameplay in any particular way, because it happens extremely rarely. Players do not often stop in such situations – almost no one pays attention to the traffic regulations or the fact that the vehicle stops in front of the player. However, if someone wants to play in a realistic way, it may actually be distracting.

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