Some of the questions given to developers of Cyberpunk 2077 were quite weird, but answered


CDPR was answering really strange questions before the premiere of Cyberpunk.

Before Cyberpunk’s premiere, there were many different guesses, theories, speculations, and of course questions directed at CDPR. Everyone knows how the enormous expectations ended, but not all of them were the same.

There is definitely one entry from 2018, which has already been deleted. There is no need to hide that before September 2020, one of the most important topics were 18+ themes that will appear in Cyberpunk.

But some people have exaggerated a bit

One player asked very detailed questions about romance and more. Normally, this entry would probably not have been noticed had it not been for the fact that CDPR did respond to it.

The player was clearly embarrassed, because today this Tweet is no longer there, only the answer remains. The man could hardly suspect that the whole world would learn about his entry. The biggest media wrote about it at the time. Ultimately, the CDPR response gained over 3.6 thousand likes.

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