Hardly any Cyberpunk 2077 player knows at all that it is possible to eliminate an opponent in this way

Cyberpunk 2077 contains many different kinds of secrets. And this is one of them.
There are a lot of ways to eliminate NPCs in Cyberpunk 2077. Some of them are quite fun, others need to be carefully thought over. The unpredictable ones look something like this:

This is not the most humane way to get rid of an NPC, but it works and can be safely used, although, in theory, it is a bug.
But there are other options as well
A much more interesting way, which few people know about, is to “drop” something heavy on the exercising person. And such a trick was presented by one of the Reddit users:
A moment was enough to actually get rid of the exercising person. This shows how CDPR places importance on even the smallest things.

It’s not the most spectacular way, but it’s worth knowing about. Mainly because it shows that it is worth messing with items next to various NPCs. And what if there is an option to get rid of your opponents in an unusual way.