
Cyberpunk 2077 can tick off another achievement on Steam. Not many companies manage to do it

CDPR’s game didn’t have the best start, but it’s getting better every month.

There are reviews on Steam, which in the case of Cyberpunk 2077 were initially really bad. The production climbed the ranks until it managed to reach the very TOP of the best-reviewed games.

Currently, the best-reviewed game on Steam has a 97% overall rating. A score that is incredibly high. The overall TOP 10 looks as follows:

Now Cyberpunk 2077 also joins the ranks of games that have exceeded 90%.

Cyberpunk 2077 with recent reviews above 90%.

Of course, still “All-Time” reviews are not so satisfactory, as they remain at 77%, while it is really not bad now. The latest reviews are 90% positive:

You can see how this has changed over time:

The next stage does not begin until 96%, which will be incredibly difficult to reach, although it is by no means impossible.

As of today, it is one of the best-rated games in recent times. At least on Steam – and after the initial hits, it’s unlikely anyone thought it would be.