
A few dozen seconds proves how big a mistake CDPR has made by not adding this to Cyberpunk 2077

There are still a lot of mechanics missing from CP77, which luckily appeared in the game via mods anyway. However, not everyone installs them.

CDPR w trakcie tworzenia Cyberpunka 2077 świadomie i z wielu powodów rezygnowało z kolejnych funkcji. Jedną z nich były chociażby pościgi. Gracze szybko i sprawnie sobie z tym poradzili, dodając je za pośrednictwem modów.

During the creation of Cyberpunk 2077, CDPR consciously and for many reasons gave up other functions. One of them was, for example, car chases. Players dealt with it quickly and efficiently by adding them via mods.

What can you do during the chases?

In this particular case, a total of three different mods were used:

  • Vehicle Combat,
  • FOV Mod,
  • Simple Realistic (ReShade).

They were needed for something like this:


It adds a completely different atmosphere. Especially since combat mods create chases that need to be dealt with. The mod responsible for FOV changes and adjusts the field of view, the last addition here is the icing on the cake which makes the world more realistic. Everything fits together perfectly here.