The first November box in Pokemon GO. What does it contain? Until when can you pick it up?

Pokemon Go

The first pack of items for the current month has appeared in the game.

November has just started, so as it was announced some time ago – a lot of interesting news will come to the game.

The first day of the month welcomes players with an item box, which, as always, can be picked up for a nominal fee. What does it contain this time and until when can it be obtained?

The first November box in Pokemon GO

November boxes, like the ones in the previous month, are not completely free, but there is nothing to worry about – the price is low enough that most players can afford to buy such a pack. What is in the box this time and for how long will it be available?

From November 1 (Monday) to November 8, 2021, you can claim a one-time event box for the price of 1 PokeCoin in the in-game store, which includes:

  • 15 x PokeBall,
  • 15 x Pinap Berry,
  • 1 x Remote Raid Pass.

It is worth recalling that in November there will be many interesting attractions in Pokemon GO. Separate articles appeared about many of them. Today, a new event begins – Día de Muertos, the oldest Mexican religious and ethnic holiday, celebrating the afterlife of the dead and family ties.

In addition, players already know who will be the hero of the November Community Day and that the game will include an event related to the premiere of the latest title from the Pokemon series – Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Here is a list of the attractions that have been revealed so far:

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