Love Cup in Pokemon GO Battle League – rules, list of available creatures

With what kind of Pokemon can you fight in the Love Cup 2022?
Although there are still a few days to Valentine’s Day, Pokemon GO is already celebrating the lovers’ holiday. On this occasion, a themed event with numerous attractions and prizes was introduced to the game. Also, on this occasion, the premiere of a new creature took place (anyone who wants to learn more about it, can read about it here – What is worth knowing about the latest Pokemon in Pokemon GO? Evolutions, counters, interesting facts).
Although Pokemon GO is a game that mainly focuses on catching and collecting different species of Pokemon, many people really like the aspect of fighting with other trainers, i.e. participation in the GO Battle League (currently, season 10 is already running).
Every year around Valentine’s Day you can fight for a love cup. Does this one stand out from other duels?
Love Cup in Pokemon GO – rules
On the official Pokemon GO profile, it was announced that you can take part in Valentine’s Love Cup. The rules are very simple.
- The participating Pokémon must be up to 1500 CP.
- Only red and pink creatures can be selected.
While the color of some Pokemon does not raise any doubts, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether a given creature will be able to take part in the fight. Many species have mixed colors or shades that fall into orange, purple, and more.
List of Pokemon that are red:
Charmander Charmeleon Charizard Vileplume Paras Parasect Krabby Kingler Voltorb Hisuian Voltorb Electrode Goldeen Seaking Jynx Magmar Magikarp Flareon Ledyba Ledian | Slugma Magcargo Octillery Delibird Porygon2 Magby Torchic Combusken Blaziken Wurmple Medicham Carvanha Camerupt Solrock Corphish Crawdaunt Sunny Form Castform Kricketot Scizor | Pansear Simisear Throh Venipede Scolipede Krookodile Darumaka Darmanitan Dwebble Crustle Scrafty Autumn Form Deerling Shelmet Accelgor Druddigon Pawniard Bisharp Braviary Yanma | Kricketune Trash Cloak Burmy Trash Cloak Wormadam Magmortar Porygon-Z Rotom Tepig Pignite Emboar Heatmor Fennekin Braixen Delphox Fletchling Fletchinder Talonflame Ariados
List of Pokemon that are pink:
Clefairy Clefable Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Slowpoke Galarian Slowpoke Slowbro Galarian Slowbro Exeggcute Lickitung Chansey Mr. Mime Porygon Cleffa | Flaaffy Hoppip Slowking Galarian Slowking Snubbull Corsola Smoochum Miltank Blissey Whismur Skitty Milotic Gorebyss Luvdisc | Sunshine Form Cherrim Mime Jr. Happiny Lickilicky Munna Musharna Audino Spring Form Deerling Alomomola Spritzee Aromatisse Sylveon Cherubi Igglybuff |
As you can see, the list of Pokemon that can take part in the Love Cup 2022 is really long. Probably most of the players have at least a few creatures in their collection that would be suitable for fighting in this tournament.